
[Journal] Tracking CoalescE

on Jan 14,2017

I have kept a personal journal throughout the recording of CoalescE. We’re currently in the mastering and manufacturing phase of the album’s production and it looks like the whole process will be about four and a half months long. It was really cool to read through the entries I wrote while we were actually recording. Since I’ve been so focused on mixing the record, I forgot how challenging some of the songs were to get to that spot, how easy some of them fell together, and what I was thinking as we were laying down the initial tracks.

Over the years, I have recorded a half dozen albums in proper studios, and another couple dozen in my own home and project studios. It’s interesting to me how similar my experience has been with all of those projects, although the projects themselves were vastly different. I think that these are my universal truths when working on recording projects:

I’m very excited to get started. I think that everything is going well for the most part, maybe better than expected. Then I hit a few unexpected roadblocks. This usually happens with songs that were supposed to be stupid easy to record, but for some reason just aren’t. I then reach a low point where I question the whole project and wonder why I ever thought it was a good idea. The end feels really far away and I get impatient. Then there’s a breakthrough and the whole thing wraps up so quickly that I feel like a blink and the tracking is over. Then I wonder if I forgot something or went too fast. CoalescE was no exception.

Here are some excerpt from my journal around the tracking of the album.


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